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More research to do, looks like!

You sigh as your reflection makes you feel even older than your years. Being Professor Trungltorf is all very well for impressing young student archaelogists, but those years come at a high cost!

Well, now that the creepy library is left behind, your options for further research into this project have just become a bit more limited.

"Curses," you grumble to yourself. You spend a few minutes mentally going over the list of possible helpers and resources.

There's always the faerie option, but magic makes you nervous, and you're not sure how far you can trust them. After all, magic-makers are notorious for making their own truth.

Then there's the institute. You shake your head with an air of finality. No more newbie searchers on this one. The last time was bad enough.

Maybe a detective, since you're really looking for more modern stuff this time?

Eh, what to do, what to do...

by Scriptfox Written on January 4th, 2003 at 09:53 AM

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Current Cast of Characters:
Professor Trungltorf