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And we have a "POOOF"!

Gingerly reaching into the loaded shelf, you manage to pull out one of the ancient scrolls. It takes a while to clear out space on the floor, but eventually you have an open and level spot to unroll your find.

You unroll the scroll with the utmost of care, doing your absolute best to make sure that it doesn't rip any further. Suddenly a huge cloud billows upwards, and you scramble backwards, coughing.

"Ok, what's this?"

You look up into the eyes of a rather annoyed-looking genie. He's a purple wocky, very similar to the auction genie, but without her usual grin.

"I, uh, opened your scroll I guess."

"Oh, you did, eh? Well if you were expecting any wishes, forget it. I'm all out, and besides, you probably didn't do me any favor anyway."

"Oh, I wasn't, I wasn't! I didn't even know you were there! Uh, sorry to have bothered you, I'll just..."

The genie holds up a commanding paw. "Hold it right there, kiddo. Before you try any funny stuff, I've got just one thing to say..."

by Scriptfox Written on January 4th, 2003 at 12:05 PM

1.How the genie got caught
Tell us what happens next!