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Poor Tierello!

Lady Lennipi sighed as her worries came back home to her. Even seasickness could only distract you for so long! Poor Tierello, he must be worried sick!

She regretted for the umpteenth time the wild impulse that had made her decide to take that early morning walk on the beach. But... they were on their honeymoon, after all, and if you can't yield to wild impulses then... it had seemed like such a fine idea, to put on her best finery and slip out into the gray coolness. Tierello always called her his faerie princess, and this was her chance to slip into a Princess Pretend mode.

Princesses getting kidnapped was definitely not what she had in mind! When the longboat had come ashore, she'd at first stopped and stared, curious. When the pirates had come running for her, she'd been frozen in fear. By the time she'd thought to try and run it was too late.

She'd struggled, of course, but no one- not even her- had expected it to do any good. She'd protested loudly when they told her she would be worth 'a pretty penny'. But telling them that she was merely the newly married wife of a humble storekeeper just wasn't believed. She'd done her little pretend project too well, apparently.

Now Tierello would have surely found her gone. Where was he now? What must he think of her? How would he ever find out the truth?

She jumped when the door opened, revealing...

by Scriptfox Written on January 11th, 2003 at 09:33 PM

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Current Cast of Characters:
Lady Lennipi