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The REAL reason you're in the library...

As much as you would love to settle down in a nice adventure, you need to get your community service done. You figured that you were better off doing in in the library than in Dr. Death's adoption agency, but now that you see the librarian you have second thoughts.

However, if you need to get your communtiy service done sometime, and at least here you might have a chance at sneaking away and reading a couple of books on the job. The alternative was to someplace like the Soup Kitchen were it is said the Soup Faerie works her 'volunteers' like slaves due to the abundance of work.

Building courage, you pull your eyes away from the shelf, and go back to the librarian. Just as you get back to the desk, your legs melt into jelly.

"Is there anything more I can do for you?" the librarian asked with a hint of frustration. He has a paper in his hand which is quickly shuffled into a drawer of his desk.

"Sir, I need to furfill the requirements of twenty-five hours of community service. I was told that working here would be satisfactory. Will you take me?"

The librarian looks over you thoughtfully. "Hmmm, yes, there are quite a few things which need to be attended around here, aren't there. I warn you that I don't want to put up with slackers, but I can test your skills by assigning you your first task..."

by Sara Written on January 15th, 2003 at 01:08 AM

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