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Uh Oh...

You look at yourself in your rather untidy shape only to discover it's not your original shape. Someone, you got changed into looking like this-

When did this happen? Let's go back to your escape ... yeah, you did get away from the lupes, you ran up the volcano - wait, the lupes were pursuing you, and then they suddenly stopped. You also had a sudden speed burst at the time.

Come to think of it, the lupes didn't do much to resist your escape attempt, and only two out of the whole sixty lupes or so followed you. Since you were trying to run and not anylyze your captors you're not sure, but one of the lupes chasing you might have been decked in completely white fur.

But you don't have much time left to ponder on this side of a volcano as you see...

by Sara Written on January 18th, 2003 at 04:37 PM

1.1 Huge Lupe = 60 Small Ones
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