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The JubJub Who ALMOST Saved Neopia?

You pull a short book from the shelf; the worn gold lettering on the battered spine names it The JubJub Who Saved Neopia... Almost. You open the book and begin to read.

You soon find there is really no text to read; this book is all pictures. But no children's book this: even as you flip through past the first page of a heroic-looking JubJub wielding a sword with its stubby feet, you come across increasingly sloppier sketches of the JubJub facing a towering enemy.

You flip the pages faster and the figures blur into motion; the JubJub looks up, up - into the face of a huge, fire-breathing Draik! The JubJub raises his sword, the sketched Draik looks straight at you... and suddenly there are no more drawings to flip through. The last page with anything on it just has a trailing scrawl that ends rather abruptly.

In fact, perhaps "abruptly" may not be the right word - if you look closely, you believe you can make out the words: "Look out for that---" The remaining pages are charred coal-black and smell rather burnt as you turn them. You place the book back on the shelf, with mixed feelings. A prank? A real story? What happened?

A loud snorting sound nearby makes you turn. Behind you is...

by starhamster42 Written on January 22nd, 2003 at 06:33 PM

Tell us what happens next!