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You're in trouble...

New Identity!!!

Species: Lupe

Color: Yellow

Gender: Male

You look around the room. How did you get here? Then you look down. Oh no! You've BECOME John Lotterpaw! Your own version too! A small cloud lupess comes over to you.

"Could you help me with this problem I am trying to solve?" the lupess asked. She was obviously very talented with communication for a kindergardener.

"Dumbo," was all you could say. Wait, why did you say that? She only asked for help! The lupess runs off, crying. The teacher looks up and... assuming it was you, calls you up to the front. You lower your head and do so.

"Why did you say that to Sally Londer?" the teacher asks you sternly.

"Brain melt," you blurt out. Wait! You have control of the character! You can do anything you want with John Lotterpaw!

"Now John! That was not nice either! I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you a detention for a week!"

Great! You got John into trouble!

"And for your detention, you must..."

by gentle_lil_queen Written on April 12th, 2003 at 07:56 PM

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