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Into the Deep Catacombs...

Ah, hello there young neopet! I see you have come for a story. We have many stories here, many tales to be told and read. Look around at these shelves, and delve into as many books as you want. I guarantee there will always be more than you could possibly imagine.

Go on, don't be shy! Look, they're even divided by type of story. Over here, I have adventure stories. If you're looking for romance, try that shelf. Oh, and don't forget the biographies.

If you're looking for history, we have that, too. I'm afraid that much of our source material is in storage, but you can enter that through the side door over there.

by Administrator
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Written on January 1st, 2003 at 05:57 PM

Chosen Option: Check out the side door

What a load of dust!

The side door creaks open and you step inside, trading the rather dimly lit library for an even darker chamber. It takes a minute to find the light switch, and the single bulb sheds only a small glow into a vast corridor crammed with junk.

After coughing on the dust, you poke around a bit. Source material, indeed! Here are shelves with ancient scrolls ready to tear at the slightest excuse. And here are boxes filled with musty old books that are bound in leather. The writing is worn mostly off of the covers.

Stepping back into the center of the room, you try not to pay any attention to the wavering shadows in the corners. Finally, you reach a decision.

by Administrator
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Written on January 3rd, 2003 at 10:06 PM