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Too Cowardly, Are We?

You nearly hurl the book back onto the shelf. Something about it is just too creepy for you to handle. Then again, you can't seem to handle much anyways. Everyone's always called you a coward.

Oh sure, so you're slightly afraid of heights and you have a fear of clowns. So what? Your mother always told you that courage is facing your fears, not having any fears at all. In fact, you think it would be much nicer to read about a strong, brave Neopian, facing impossible odds with bravery (and stupidity) to save the world from certain destruction than reading about some crusty old vampire biting people. You want to read about someone you can make into a role model.

Someone like...

You turn and look at some different books. Surely, a book on a courageous Neopian Hero would be somewhere around here? Let's just have a looksee...

by Al_the_chia Written on January 15th, 2003 at 09:06 PM

1.Pick a Heroic-Sounding Book
2.Ah, here's a good one!
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